Turkey’s Pioneering Role in Hair Transplantation

Turkey’s Pioneering Role in Hair Transplantation
One of the world’s leading countries in hair transplantation is Turkey. What makes Turkey a center of attraction in hair transplantation services is that the procedure is performed by specialist doctors in a sterile hospital environment, at a reasonable price and with high service quality. Another important issue is that the patient can continue his social life in a very short time, thanks to the advanced technologies used in the hair transplantation process In addition, the provisions of Turkish law in favor of those who benefit from the service enable foreigners to safely receive hair transplantation services from Turkey. With this trust and the quality of the service it offers, Turkey is one of the most preferred countries in hair transplantation.
What are the Causes of Hair Loss?
Although one of the most important causes of hair loss is genetic predisposition, medical diseases, injuries and aging also cause hair loss. In addition to all these, factors such as the hardness of the water in which the hair is washed, hair gels and lotions, and a stressful working environment also appear to accelerate hair loss.
If hair loss begins to occur, it is recommended that the person first choose shampoos and soaps that contain minimal chemicals. In addition, the life of the hair can be extended by delaying hair loss through medical treatments. However, today there is no medical method that can completely prevent hair loss. For this reason, the hair transplantation method, which allows the restoration of lost hair, is increasingly used day by day.
What is Hair Transplantation Procedure?
Hair transplantation is the process of transplanting hair follicles taken from areas of the body that are resistant to baldness, such as arms, legs, chest, and especially from the back of the head, to the area where hair is lost. The most preferred among these regions is the back of the head.
Who Can Have Hair Transplantation?
According to research, 50% of men over the age of 50 experience hair loss. For this reason, the most common cosmetic surgery method for men is hair transplantation. Although it is more common in men, hair loss is also common in women. Hair transplantation is a method applied to women and men starting from the age of twenty, after determining the rate of loss and the lightness in the hair area. In addition to hair loss, the same procedure is also applied to beard, eyebrow and mustache loss.
What are the Hair Transplantation Methods?
Hair transplantation consists of two stages. The first stage is the removal of hair follicles. The second stage is the transplantation of the roots taken. The first method used historically in removing hair follicles is the fut method. In the Fut method, the hair in the nape area is removed with the help of a scalpel and sorted one by one. However, since the fut method causes stitch marks in the nape area, the fue method is mostly used today. The reason why the FUE method is frequently preferred is that it does not cause any scars such as stitches after the procedure. In the Fue method, the area where the follicles to be used in hair transplantation will be taken is shaved to shorten the hair. Then, a hair unit to be used in hair transplantation is removed and transferred to another location. The hair unit in question is taken one by one from the donor area between the two ears at the back of the head. Then, channels are opened to plant roots in the area to be transplanted. Correctly determining the angle of the channels and creating a natural hairline when opening the channels is extremely important in making the hair look natural. The next stage is the transplantation of the hair. A hair transplant session using the FUE method is completed on average between 6 and 9 hours. Depending on the person’s needs, a single session may be sufficient, or two or three sessions may be performed.
It is important to protect the scalp in the first week after hair transplantation with the FUE method because the scalp is very sensitive during this period. For this reason, not consuming alcohol or cigarettes for a week, not being in dirty and dusty environments, and not applying any substance to the scalp other than what your doctor recommends will increase the success of the operation. In addition, hair should not be washed on the day of hair transplantation and for the following three days. During this process, it is normal for crusting and red spots to appear at the roots of the hair, which will pass over time. However, if the crusting does not go away over time, it will prevent hair from growing, so a doctor should be consulted.
The second process starts a few weeks after transplantation and can last up to six months. During this period, weak hair falls out and then new hair begins to grow. There are some points that the patient should pay attention to during this process. First of all, a person should not use extremely hot water while taking a shower and should not expose the hair to high pressure water. Secondly, one should not enter the sea or the pool. Finally, products such as hair gel, spray, and lotion should not be used.
Most of the hair grows between the 6th and 9th months after the procedure. Saçların tamamının çıkması ise 1 yılı bulur.
What are the Side Effects of Hair Transplantation?
Hair transplantation does not have any side effects that could affect a person’s life. However, like any medical procedure, it is possible to experience minor side effects. For example, it is possible to experience bleeding in the areas where hair follicles are removed and placed. Although it is very rare, the areas where the hair follicles are removed and placed may become infected. Another side effect is that the hair grows in the wrong direction as a result of poor application of the hair transplantation technique. If the transplanted hair follicles remain on the scalp as a result of the procedure, a bubble-shaped appearance occurs on the scalp and this is called a cobblestone appearance. In order to minimize the risk of the mentioned side effects, hair transplantation must be performed by doctors who are experts in their field.
What are the points to be taken into consideration after hair transplantation?
- Alcohol, cigarettes and coffee consumption should be avoided for the period specified by your doctor.
- It is necessary to protect the head from extremely hot water, rain and sun.
- Since sweating may damage the transplanted hair follicles, physical activities that will cause sweating should be avoided in the first days after the procedure.
- Stress should be avoided.
- You should not scratch the hair transplanted area. The resulting crusting should be allowed to disappear on its own; If the crusting does not disappear on its own, a doctor should be consulted.
- The hair can be gently massaged.
- It is necessary to sleep on your back. In this way, swelling can be prevented.
- Clothes that are easy to wear should be chosen. For example, clothes with zippers should be preferred instead of clothes worn over the head, such as turtleneck sweaters.
- Using a headband or non-fitting fedora hats helps protect the head against negative effects that may come from outside.
Paying attention to these issues after hair transplantation is extremely effective in increasing the success of the operation.
Does Transplanted Hair Look Natural?
The transplanted hair looks natural. However, in order for the transplanted hair to look natural, the procedure must be performed in a health institution and by specialist doctors. Since hair transplantation is an operation that focuses on aesthetic aspects, the primary condition for the success of the procedure is that it be performed by experienced experts. If the right healthcare institution is chosen and the post-procedure precautions are followed, the transplanted hair will have a natural appearance.
Hair Transplant Procedure in Women
Women may experience serious hair loss after pregnancy and due to medications used as a result of diseases such as goiter, cholesterol, anemia and epilepsy. However, in such cases, direct hair transplantation is not recommended. First of all, the hair is expected to grow by applying medical treatment. If the hair does not grow as a result of medical treatment, hair transplantation is performed.
Drugs That Cause Hair Loss
- Epilepsy drugs
- Cholesterol-lowering drugs
- thyroid medications
- diet pills
- blood thinning medications
- Chemotherapy
- Drugs (such as cocaine)