Pediatric Surgery Observation Program

Pediatric Surgery Observation Program
Turkey (07-18 / 11 / 2022)

During the Pediatric Surgery Observation Program, you will deal with the diagnosis and treatment of surgical and urological problems in children from birth to 16 years of age. It deals with the entire digestive and respiratory system, pediatric gynecology, thoracic, head and neck, oncology, trauma and endocrine surgery except the heart. Pediatric surgery, which includes diagnostic and interventional endoscopic applications as well as laparoscopic and thoracoscopic surgical interventions, is the branch in which anomalies known before birth or occurring after birth are removed by surgical operations. Unlike normal surgery, this department specializes in pediatrics; works with many departments such as neonatal unit, intensive care, oncology and trauma.

Pediatric surgical diseases
Digestive System Pediatric Surgical Diseases
Respiratory System Pediatric Surgery Diseases
Cancer Diseases in Childhood
Surgical Treatment of Hormonal Diseases in Children
Head and Neck Surgery in Children
Neonatal pediatric surgical diseases

General information:
– The training will be in English.
– The price includes transportation between the airport and the hotel.
– There are only 2 Empty Seats.
– It is an Observation Training.

History :
07-18 / 11 / 2022
05-16 / 12 / 2022
09-20 / 01 / 2023

Cost :
– 2 Weeks: $2,500.
– 1 Month : $3,000.

How to Apply:
– Please send your CV to our e-mail address.
– Write in the e-mail header: ( Pediatric surgery Observation Program).
– Note: You must submit 10% of the fees within the application deadline to confirm your place.
– We will send you an Invitation letter for visa application.

Accomodation :
– Local 4-star hotel accommodation available for those in need, 40 per day including breakfast