Laser Course & Electrolysis Needle Hair Removal Course

Laser Course & Electrolysis Needle Hair Removal Course
Turkey (12-13 / 12 / 2022)

Basic Laser & Electrolysis Training; Basic and Advanced – Theory and Demonstration Practice

laser, concentrated light

Laser beams of a certain wavelength are converted into heat energy by transferring the energy of dark matter.

Laser Hair Removal is the fastest and healthiest way to get rid of unwanted hair permanently. This is based on the destruction of the vessels that feed the hair follicles. The wavelength of the light used in laser epilation is absorbed by the dark melanin pigment and destroys the hair follicles.

Lasers of certain wavelengths have been used for many years for different purposes.

Electrolysis/Needle Hair Removal

The method of passing the heat energy to the hair root

Thermolysis: The needle hole makes the hair root vibrate with the electrical energy it sends to the hair root. This vibration vibrates the water in the hair root, heats it and destroys the hair root.

Galvanic: The needle root electrical energy is transmitted and the hair root provides sodium hydroxide production. When sodium hydroxide gets hot, it breaks the hair root.

Training Participation Certificate Medical Cosmetics Laser & Electrolysis/Needle Epilation Training is completed and two basic certificates are given.

General information:
Only Doctors, Dentists, Nurses, Anesthesiologists and health professionals can attend this Training.
The course starts at 10:00 and ends at 18:00.
The program includes theoretical and practical training.
Education will be in English.
The price includes transportation between the Airport and the Hotel.
Each course has 3 empty seats.
This Training is Practical Training.

Duration :
2 days.

History :
14-15 / 11 / 2022
12-13 / 12 / 2022

Cost :
– $1500.

How to Apply:
– Please send your CV to our e-mail address.
– Write in the e-mail header: (Laser and Electrolysis Training Course).
– Note: You must send 10% of the fees during the application period to confirm your place.
– We will send you an Invitation letter for visa application.

Accomodation :
– Local 4-star hotel accommodation available for those in need, $40 per day including breakfast.
– Note: We will meet all participants at the Airport.

Note :
-If you have any questions regarding Scholarships, Medical Courses, Observation, Internship and Elective in Turkey, please contact us via the E-mail below.