Chemical Peeling Applied Training Courses

Chemical Peeling Applied Training Courses
Turkey (14-15 / 12 / 2022)

Course content :
anatomy of the skin
Identifying skin types
Diagnosis of skin complaints
Different types of chemical peels/choosing the right peel for the customer
By using superficial and medium deep chemical peels, AHA and TCA peels.
Pre-peel preparation and post-peel care
How to deal with complications?
Demonstration by instructor
Hands-on session on models
Each participant receives a certificate
Accreditation Card number EUROPASS CARD CARDCERT

General information:
Only Doctors, Dentists, Nurses, Anesthesiologists and health professionals can attend this Training.
The course starts at 10:00 and ends at 18:00.
The program includes theoretical and practical training.
Education will be in English.
The price includes transportation between the Airport and the Hotel.
Each course has 3 empty seats.
This Training is Practical Training.

Duration :
3 days.

History :
16-17 / 11 / 2022
14-15 / 12 / 2022
11-12 / 01 / 2023

Cost :
– $1,500.

How to Apply:
– Please send your CV to our e-mail address.
– Write in the e-mail header: (Chemical Peeling Training Course).
– Note: You must send 10% of the fees during the application period to confirm your place.
– We will send you an Invitation letter for visa application.

Accomodation :
– Local 4-star hotel accommodation available for those in need, 40 per day including breakfast