Spine Surgery Training Program

Spine Surgery Training Program
Turkey ( 01-30 / 12 / 2022 )

The Spine Surgery Training Program provides comprehensive training in adult and adolescent spinal problems and consists of both inpatient and outpatient experience with primary clinical responsibility.

Topics :
• Spinal trauma (including spinal cord injuries: Discectomy, Disc Replacement, Spinal fusion, Laminectomy, Interlaminar implant, Foraminotomy, Kyphoplasty, Osteotomy) .
• Spinal deformities .
• Spinal infections .
• Inflammatory conditions affecting the spine .
• Spinal tumours .
• Disc surgery .
• Treatments such as endoscopic, microscopic and minimally invasive surgery .
• Congenital spinal anomalies .
• Failed back syndrome .

Training Content:
The Program provides a comprehensive, well-rounded, educational environment for training to diagnose and manage disorders of the spine. The clinical educational observership program is coordinated through faculty interaction, didactic lectures, conferences and outpatient clinics that emphasize diagnosis, pathogenesis, operative and nonoperative decision-making, along with results and complications of all treatments.

Goals and Objectives :
The Spinal Surgery Training Program provides training in the care for the entire spectrum of spinal diseases.
This spectrum of care can be divided broadly into 6 categories:
• Core knowledge
• Clinical evaluation
• Operative management
• Pre- and postoperative care
• Nonoperative management
• Basic and clinical experience

General information :
– Tze training will be in English.
– The price includes transportation between Airport-Hotel .
– There is just 1 Available Seat.
– It is an Observership Training.

Venue :

Duration :
– 1 Month .

Cost :
– 3,000 $ .

01-30 / 12 / 2022
01-30 / 01 / 2023
01-28 / 02 / 2023

How To Apply :
– Please send us your CV on our Email: info@parsaglik.com
– Write on the email title : ( Spine Surgery Training Program).
– Note: You have to send 10% from the fees during the application period to confirm your seat .
– We will send to you Invitation letter to apply for Visa .

Accommodation :
– 5 stars hotel accommodation is available for those who require it, it cost 40$ / day with breakfast .
– Note : We will receive all the participants in the Airport .

Certificate :
By the end of the course you will get certificate from the host university

Note :
-If you have any inquiries regarding Fellowships , Medical Courses , Observership , Internship and Elective in Turkey , please contact us through the following Email.