General Surgery Training Program

General Surgery Training Program
Turkey (05-16 / 12 / 2022)

Course Description:
Basic Skills in Surgery: This intensive course covers the basic laparoscopic surgery skills and knowledge required for each surgical discipline. You will use a range of high quality laparoscopic equipment, work with specially designed benchtop models, and learn a variety of knot tying and suturing techniques.

Learning output:
After taking this course, you should be able to:
– Build a stack by correctly connecting a light source and getting a quality image
– Define access routes and outline patient positioning.
– Discuss and anticipate a number of complications and how to deal with them.
– Demonstrate various sewing and knot tying techniques.
-Perform key laparoscopic surgical procedures, discuss the use of laparoscopy in diagnosis.
– Evaluate the use of various energy sources.
– show wide
– comprehensive information on laparoscopic surgery and operative procedures including ulcers, appendectomy and cholecystectomy, breast surgeries.

Course content:
During this course you will cover a wide range of topics including:
• Instrumentation
• Access
• Manipulation
• Dissection and trimming
• Repair of a perforated ulcer
• Laparoscopic cholecystectomy
• Continuous stitching
• Laparoscopic pelvic anatomy
• Laparoscopic energy method
• Laparoscopic surgery technique
• Laparoscopic instrument
• Laparoscopic anatomy
• Laparoscopic difficult cases
• Laparoscopy in the obese patient
• Cancer Staging Surgery
• Lymphadenectomy
• Appendectomy
• Breast surgery
• Laparoscopic complication management
• Gastrointestinal repair
• How to avoid vascular injury?
• Trocar site closure techniques

General information:
– The training will be in English.
– The price includes transportation between the airport and the hotel.
– There are only 2 Empty Seats.
– It is an Observation Training.

History :
05-16 / 12 / 2022
09-20 / 01 / 2023
06-17 / 02 / 2023

Cost :
– 2 Weeks: $2500.
– 1 Month : 3000$

How to Apply:
– Please send your CV to our e-mail address.
– Write : ( General Surgery Training Program ) in the e-mail header.
– Note: You must submit 10% of the fees within the application deadline to confirm your place.
– We will send you an Invitation letter for visa application.

Accomodation :
– Local 4-star hotel accommodation available for those in need, 40 per day including breakfast