Critical Care Medicine (CCM) Observation Program

Critical Care Medicine (CCM) Observation Program
Turkey (05-16 / 12 / 2022)

The intensive care unit is the unit where patients with serious life-threatening risks are treated. In terms of minimizing the vital risk in intensive care units, issues such as equipment quality, personnel expertise and hygiene are of great importance. In intensive care units, patients are kept under 24-hour surveillance with state-of-the-art devices. Specialist physicians, nurses and health workers responsible for patient care work in intensive care units. All advanced laboratory tests, digital x-ray, doppler and ultrasonography examinations of our patients treated in intensive care units are performed, CT (computerized tomography) and MR (magnetic resonance) services are provided with the support of special equipment. In addition to these, mechanical and pharmacological life supports such as vasopressor drugs, mechanical ventilation, continuous dialysis are given.

Training Contents:

General Intensive Care Units:
Severe body traumas
Serious blunt and penetrating injuries
brain hemorrhages
Paralysis (Stroke)
severe respiratory failure
acute and chronic renal failure
Acute and chronic organ failure
nervous system diseases
Serious infections and sepsis

Coronary Intensive Care Unit:
Heart failure
Follow-up of carotid stent applications
Follow-up of acute coronary syndrome and MI (myocardial infarction) cases
Follow-up of abdominal aortic and peripheral artery intervention cases
Follow-up of rhythm disturbances, block or battery applications
Follow-up after coronary bypass (CABG) surgeries
Follow-up after valve repair and replacement surgery
Follow-up of life-threatening, penetrating sharp and gunshot injuries to the blood vessels, heart and lungs.
Follow-up of pericardial tamponade cases
Follow-up of sternum instability that may develop after surgery

Newborn intensive care unit :
Premature (premature birth) follow-up
Pneumonia (lung infection) follow-up
Transient tachypnea (respiratory distress) follow-up of the newborn
Hyperbilirubinemia (newborn jaundice) follow-up
Follow-up of acute bronchiolitis and other serious bronchial infections
Follow-up of other neonatal diseases that cause respiratory distress
Follow-up after neonatal surgical procedures.

General information:
– The training will be in English.
– The price includes transportation between the airport and the hotel.
– There are only 2 Empty Seats.
– It is an Observation Training.

History :
05-16 / 12 / 2022
09-20 / 01 / 2023
06-17 / 02 / 2023

Cost :
– 2 Weeks: $2,500.
– 1 Month : $3,000.

How to Apply:
– Please send your CV to our e-mail address.
– Write in the e-mail header: ( Critical Care Medicine (CCM)
Observation Program).
– Note: You must submit 10% of the fees within the application deadline to confirm your place.
– We will send you an Invitation letter for visa application.

Accomodation :
– Local 4-star hotel accommodation available for those in need, 40 per day including breakfast